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EP59 量词 What's In Your Bag

China Plus

EP59 量词 What's In Your Bag

EP59 量词 What's In Your Bag

  • Chinese 101: Talk about “What’s in your bag”

  • Grammar: How to use different Chinese measure words correctly

  • Language Tips: What’s in your bag says about your personality

  • Story of the Day: Drop one's helpers soon after their help is no longer needed 

过河拆桥 guò hé chāi qiáo



nǐ de bāo lǐ yǒu shén me?

What’s in your bag?


yīgēn bǐ ,yīběn shū ,yībāo zhǐ jīn ,yīzhī chún gāo ,yībǎ yǔ sǎn。nǐ ne ?

A pen, a book, a tissue, a lipstick, an umbrella. How about you?

A:我的包里有电脑,Kindle, 充电宝,耳机,相机。

wǒ de bāo lǐ yǒu diàn nǎo,Kindle, chōng diàn bǎo ,ěr jī ,xiàng jī 。

There’s laptop, kindle, charger baby, earphone, and camera in my bag.


guài bú dé zhè me chén !

That’s why it’s so heavy! 

Words & Expressions:




【纸巾】zhǐ jīn:tissue

【唇膏】chún gāo:lipstick

【雨伞】yǔ sǎn:umbrella

【电脑】diàn nǎo:computer;laptop

【充电宝】chōng diàn bǎo:charger baby

【耳机】ěr jī:earphone

【相机】xiàng jī:camera

【怪不得】guài bú dé:that’s why; no wonder

Hosts: Liu Min & Jessica

Programme Editor: Wang Xiaoyu

Producer: Lu Chang


EP59 量词 What's In Your Bag


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