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中国央行2月1日表示,会为受疫情影响较大的地区、行业和企业提供差异化 优惠的金融服务,以帮助抗击疫情。2月3日和4日央行投放 流动性 累计1.7万亿元人民币。上述 刺激 举措 提振了投资者情绪。中国股市虽然在新年后第一个交易日 开盘后大面积下跌,但5日重新上涨,初创公司股票领涨。投资者押注中国政府将进一步推出扶持 政策,以消除 病毒疫情快速蔓延的影响。美国华尔街三大指数4日以大涨收盘,日本股市4日收高,抹掉了稍早的跌幅。科技股与消费必需品类股上涨。法国巴黎股市4日以大涨1.76%收盘。虽然目前还无法确定疫情什么时候会结束,但中国央行为遏制疫情和限制其对经济影响而采取的理性措施似乎使全球投资者放下心来。

1. 央行 / yāng háng / central bank
2. 疫情 / yì qíng / epidemic
3. 差异化 / chā yì huà / differentiate
4. 优惠 / yōu huì / preferential
5. 抗击 / kàng jí / fight
6. 投放 / tóu fàng / invest
7. 流动性 / liú dòng xìng / liquidity
8. 累计 / lěi jì / a total of
9. 上述 / shàng shù / Stated/described above
10. 刺激 / cì jī / stimulus
11. 举措 / jǔ cuò / measure
12. 提振 / tí zhèn / boost
13. 情绪 / qíng xù / sentiment
14. 股市 / gǔ shì / stock market
15. 交易日 / jiāo yì rì / trading day
16. 开盘 / kāi pán / opening 
17. 初创公司 / chū chuàng gōng sī / startup
18. 押注 / yā zhù / bet
19. 扶持 / fú chí / supportive
20. 政策 / zhèng cè / policy
21. 消除 / xiāo chú / eliminate
22. 病毒 / bìng dú / virus
23. 蔓延 / màn yán / spread
24. 指数 / zhǐ shù / index
25. 收盘 / shōu pán / closing 
26. 抹掉 / mǒ diào / erase
27. 跌幅 / diē fú / drop
28. 确定 / què dìng / ensure
29. 遏制 / è zhì / curb
30. 限制 / xiàn zhì / limit
31. 采取 / cǎi qǔ / adopt
32. 理性措施 / lǐ xìng cuò shī / rational measure

China’s central bank stated on February 1st that it would provide differentiated preferential financial services to regions, industries and enterprises that had been affected by the epidemic, to help fight the epidemic (impact). On February 3rd and 4th, the central bank invested a total of 1.7 trillion yuan in liquidity. The described above stimulus measures boosted investor sentiment. Although the Chinese stock market fell sharply after the market opened on the first trading day after the Chinese New Year, it rose again on the 5th, with startup stocks leading the gains. Investors bet that the Chinese government would launch further supportive policies to eliminate the impact of the rapid spread of the virus epidemic. The three major Wall Street indexes closed higher on the 4th. Japanese stocks closed higher on the 4th, erasing earlier losses. Technology stocks and consumer staples stocks rose. The French (Paris) stock market closed on the 4th with a surge of 1.76%. Although it is unclear when the epidemic will end, the rational measures taken by China’s central bank to curb the epidemic (ramifications) and limit its impact on the economy seem to have reassured global investors.

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