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Health 健康(2)


YJ: Cam, I notice you tend to get coughs. Bud do you have one now? 你咳嗽吗?
Cam: What does that mean?
YJ: it means do you have a cough. 你 Ni3 means you,
C: ni3.
Y: 咳嗽 ke2 sou4 means cough,
C: ke2 sou4.
Y: 你咳嗽吗? ni3 ke2 sou4 ma?  Do you have a cough? C: ni3 ke2 sou4 ma?


A: 你咳嗽吗?
B: 是的,昨天下午开始的。

Cam: Well, I do have a sore throat Yajie.  How would I tell the doctor that?
YJ: you can say 我嗓子疼。
CM: wo3 sang3 zi teng2.
YJ: 嗓子 sang3 zi means throat,
CM: sang3 zi,
YJ: 疼 teng2 means sore,
CM: teng2,
YJ: 我嗓子疼。wo3 sang3 zi teng2.
CM: wo3 sang3 zi teng2. I have a sore throat.


(1)A: 我嗓子疼。
B: 那赶紧去医院开点药。
(2)A: 我嗓子疼。
B: 那就少说点话,多喝水

Cam: So I need some cough medicine.
YJ: you can say 我要一些止咳药。
CM: wo3 yao4 yi4 xie1 zhi3 ke2 yao4.
YJ: 我要 wo3 yao4, I need,
CM: wo3 yao4,
YJ: 一些 yi4 xie1 means some,
CM: yi4 xie1.
YJ: 止 zhi3 means stop,
CM: zhi3,
YJ: 咳 ke2 means cough,
CM: ke2,
YJ: 药 yao4 means medicine,
CM: yao4,
YJ: 我要一些止咳药。wo3 yao4 yi4 xie1 zhi3 ke2 yao4.
CM: wo3 yao4 yi4 xie1 zhi3 ke2 yao4.  I need some cough medicine. 


A: 我要一些止咳药。
B:  好的,请稍等。

CM: Yajie, could you do me a favor?
YJ: sure.
CM: can you tell me what does this prescription mean? It’s all in Chinese.
YJ: let me see… oh, it says Take this cough syrup three times a day.
CM: what’s it Chinese?
YJ: cough syrup is止咳糖浆  zhi3 ke2 tang2 jiang1.
CM: I know zhi3 ke2 means stop coughing,
YJ: right, and 糖浆 tang2 jiang1 means syrup,
CM: tang2 jiang1.
YJ: 止咳糖浆 zhi3 ke2 tang2 jiang1
CM: zhi3 ke2 tang2 jiang1, cough syrup,
YJ: take this cough syrup, 喝这种止咳糖浆,一天三次。he1 zhe4zhong3 zhi3 ke2 tang2 jiang1.
CM: he1 zhe4zhong3 zhi3 ke2 tang2 jiang1.
YJ: take means 喝 he1,
CM: he1.
YJ: 这种 zhe4 zhong3 means this,
CM: zhe4 zhong3.
YJ: three times a day is yi4 tian1 san1 ci4.
CM: 一天三次 yi4 tian1 san1 ci4
YJ: yi4 tian1 means a day,
CM: 一天 yi4 tian1.
YJ: 三次 san3 ci4 means three times,
CM: san3 ci4.
YJ: yi4 tian1 san1 ci4, three times a day.
CM: 一天三次 yi4 tian1 san1 ci4
YJ: he1 zhe4zhong3 zhi3 ke2 tang2 jiang1
CM: 喝这种止咳糖浆,一天三次。 he1 zhe4zhong3 zhi3 ke2 tang2 jiang1 take this cough syrup,
YJ: 一天三次。 yi4 tian1 san1 ci4
CM: yi4 tian1 san1 ci4 three times a day. Thanks Yaj.

Conversation 4:

A: 喝这种止咳糖浆,一天三次。
B: 好的,谢谢。


Key Words Reminder:
I have a sore throat. 我嗓子疼。 Do you have a cough? 你咳嗽吗? I need some cough medicine. 我要一些止咳药。 Cough syrup 止咳糖浆, Take this cough syrup three times a day. 喝这种止咳糖浆,一天三次。All in today’s Chinese Studio. 


Cam: We’ve run out of time already!
YJ: Let’s get to our question of the day.  
Cam: How do you say “I need some cough medicine” in Chinese? 

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