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Lesson 175 Compliment 第一百七十五课 赞美复习课

China Plus

Lesson 175 Compliment 第一百七十五课 赞美复习课

Cam: Yajie, it's time to take a look back at the past week.
YJ: Yes it is.  It's our review show, and we've been talking about compliments for the last seven days.
Cam: Let's begin.


Sentences in the week 
You look great today. 你今天看上去真不错。You have good taste. 你很有品位。I envy you very much. 我真羡慕你。Your kid is so adorable.你的孩子真可爱 All in today's Chinese studio. 


Cam: Let's review the first compliment that I learned.
YJ: okay, I remember it's "you look great today."
Cam: Right, How do I say it in Chinese?
YJ: It's 你今天看上去真不错。
CM: ni3 jin1 tian1 kan4 shang4 qu4 zhen1 bu2 cuo4.
YJ: 你 ni3 is you,
CM: ni3.
YJ: 今天 jin1 tian1, today
CM: jin1 tian1
YJ: 看上去 kan4 shang4 qu4, look like,
CM: kan4 shang4 qu4
YJ: 真不错 zhen1 bu2 cuo4 means great.
CM: zhen1 bu2 cuo4
YJ: 你今天看上去真不错。 ni3 jin1 tian1 kan4 shang4 qu4 zhen1 bu2 cuo4
CM: ni3 jin1 tian1 kan4 shang4 qu4 zhen1 bu2 cuo4 You look great today! 

Conversation 1:

A: 你今天看上真不错。
B: 谢谢。

YJ: Cam,do you remember how to say "You have good taste" in Chinese,
CM: it's used to be our question of the day. Let me see… ni3 you3 something. 
YJ: it's "你很有品位."
CM: Right, ni3 hen2 you3 pin3 wei4.
YJ: 你 ni3 means you,
CM: ni3.
YJ: 很 hen3 means very much,
CM: hen3
YJ: 有 you3 means have,
CM: you3.
YJ: taste in Chinese is pin3 wei4. 
CM: 品味 pin3 wei4.
YJ: 你很有品位 ni3 hen2 you3 pin3 wei4.
CM: ni3 hen2 you3 pin3 wei4. You have good taste. 

Conversation 2:

A: 你很有品位。
B: 过奖过奖。

YJ: Cam, I'm going to have a vacation soon.
CM: now it's my turn to say "I envy you very much" in Chinese.  What is it?
YJ: it's 我真羡慕你
CM: can you say that again?
YJ: of course. 我真羡慕你 Wo3 zhen1 xian4 mu4 ni3.
CM: Wo3 zhen1 xian4 mu4 ni3.
YJ: 我 wo3 means I,
CM: wo3.
YJ: 真 zhen1 means very much,
CM: zhen1.
YJ: 羡慕 xian4 mu4 means envy,
CM: xian4 mu4,
YJ: 你 ni3 means you,
CM: ni3.
YJ: 我真羡慕你 Wo3 zhen1 xian4 mu4 ni3.
CM: Wo3 zhen1 xian4 mu4 ni3. I envy you very much.

Conversation 3:

A: 我就要休假了。
B: 是吗,我真羡慕你。

CM: Yajie, Chinese kids are really adorable.
YJ: Yes, they are.
CM: how should I tell their parents in Chinese?
YJ: you can say "你的孩子真可爱."
CM: ni3de hai2zi zhen1 ke3ai4.
YJ: 你的 ni3de, your,
CM: ni3de,
YJ: 孩子 hai2zi, kid,
CM: hai2zi,
YJ: 真 zhen1 means really,
CM: zhen1,
YJ: 可爱 ke3ai4, cute,
CM: ke3ai4.
YJ: 你的孩子真可爱. ni3de hai2zi zhen1 ke3ai4.
CM: ni3de hai2zi zhen1 ke3ai4. Your kid is so adorable.

Conversation 4:

A: 你的孩子真可爱。
B: 谢谢.

Cam: That wraps up this great week on Chinese Studio.
YJ: Time for our question of the week. How do you say "your kid is so adorable" in Chinese? See you next week!

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